Case Studies / Greenlea Butcher Shop

Beefing Up Sales & Demystifying Digital Reporting


Greenlea Butcher Shop Client Case Study Logo
The challenge

Beefing up sales & demystifying digital reporting

Greenlea is a proudly local leader in the beef industry, exporting the highest quality New Zealand beef to over 40 countries across the globe. The family-owned and operated company prides itself on excellence in consistency, customer service, and quality.

Greenlea approached us to help them effectively track their sales. They’d recently launched their online storefront; however, their analytics did not provide accurate data. Digital was new to them, as their budget had formerly been spent entirely on print media. With their marketing budget now being entirely allocated to digital, they wanted to gain an awareness of their performance within the digital space with accurate data.

The Solution

Taking Greenlea to the people

Strategy, Ads & Analytics

Unbound launched a Google Shopping Ads campaign for Greenlea, utilising Performance Max to track the campaign’s efficacy. We also launched branding campaigns and search campaigns that ran locally and nationwide. We made sure that our ads targeted people who were looking for fresh produce, valued shopping locally and had preferred high quality, New Zealand raised red meat. 

Now that we had sales rolling in, our focus was to ensure that we were providing accurate data tracking and evidence to the client. It was essential that these insights were delivered to them in a way that is easy to understand.

Knowing that Greenlea was new to the digital space, we worked with them to  demystify online marketing and analytics and supported them throughout to ensure that their performance and understanding remained paramount.

The outcome

Consistant growth

Not only did Greenlea Butcher Shop see a marked increase in revenue they also saw a significant return on Ad Spend, meaning that their digital efforts paid for themselves, allowing them to keep growing.

Since starting with Unbound, they’ve enjoyed consistent increases in conversions as well as continued increases in conversion value, key indicators of effective campaigns targeted at the right demographic.

We wanted to know that our digital marketing efforts were effective. Unbound helped us get set up and explained everything clearly. We are already seeing the fruits of our short time working together and look forward to building this partnership.

Julie McDade, Marketing Manager, Greenlea Butcher Shop

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Increase in conversions

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Increase in conversion value

Looking to achieve excellent results?

Your business is already damn good. Let’s make sure your digital marketing is damn good too.

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