So lead generation is the objective of your latest AdWords campaign. You’ve got the slickest marketing message, you’ve used various ad extensions and you’ve got a strong call to action, yet your email box is empty. Now what?
Here are 5 simple best practices for lead generation AdWords landing pages.
Your text ad is only the first part of successfully generating a lead through AdWords. If you are seeing high click-through rates but disappointing conversion rate figures, then you may want to consider the effectiveness of your ad’s landing page.
Here are 5 simple best practices for lead generation AdWords landing pages.
1. Form Location
Your landing page is not a story, so don’t wait until the end to give people what they came for! Place your form in the above the fold space to ensure that they can’t miss the page’s call to action.
The Prosan AdWords landing page has its lead generation form within the top of the page fold. The location of the form makes it impossible for anyone landing on the page to miss, and helps to signpost them to the call to action: ‘Find The Perfect Hand Dryer’.
2. Form Fields
No one wants to spend ages typing lots of details into a form; so keep your form fields to a minimum. Reducing the amount of time and effort it takes to fill the form will encourage engagement. Decide what details you needin order to take the lead further, and any other details which you want can be collected at a later point.
3. Offer
Can you offer something in return for the lead? From a call back from an expert to a whitepaper download, consider if there is something that you can give back in return. If someone is debating about providing you with their details, then giving them something could help to prompt them.
Third Space Health offers a free 5 Day Pass on their lead generation landing page.
4. Trust
Remember, personal information is precious. People need reassurance that their information will be protected and used for the right reasons.
A visitor may not be familiar with your company, so will need reassurance that you’re legitimate and trustworthy. Trust indicators such as external accreditation and award badges, third-party seals and privacy policy details are a great way at demonstrating your reputability.
Another way to validate your trustworthiness is through customer testimonials. Truestyle Pools and Landscaping uses customer testimonial on their AdWords landing page. It provides visitors with a review their customer service experience.
5. Other Methods of Contact
Take into consideration that not everyone will want to fill out a lead generation form. Do not miss out on a potential lead by offering another method of contact than your form. Consider a designated AdWords Call Tracking phone number to improve your chances of generating a lead which you can then attribute to your campaign.
The key principle here is to make it quick and easy for your visitor to submit their details. Visitors to an AdWords landing page already have the intentions you are looking for, so don’t lose them. Leave your visitors with no obstacles in getting the job done and watch the leads roll in.
From there, it is down to you to make contact and turn that lead into a customer! Would you like some help with your AdWords campaigns? Get in touch with our experts.